Monday, February 18, 2008

Coach Selby - World's Premier Injury Prevention Stretch Expert

Coach Selby is the nation's leading sports stretching, injury prevention and energy recovery coaching for amateur athletes. Recognized as the world's premier injury prevention-stretch expert, and energy recovery authority, Selby's injury prevention coaching and skills work for athletes everywhere. He is a University of Miami graduate and former Division one basketball player. He has coached basketball fundamentals for The Five Star Camps and has worked with several elite athletes.

I started using the below stretching fundamental this past weekend at my volleyball tournament, and although I will need to continue to practice, I could really feel a difference.

Holding a Stretch from ten seconds to three minutes is best for athletes?
No! This thinking is old school. Old! Old! O-L-D! This method worked 30 years ago. The pain of a new idea is one of the greatest pains in human nature. Your favorite notions may be wrong, your firmest beliefs ill founded. And your favorite stretching methods may be the root cause of your greatest pains! It is a fact of life that people find it much easier to believe a lie they've heard a thousand times than a fact that they've never heard before.
Coaches and young athletes must first unlearn all the ineffective stretching habits instilled since their younger days, and then familiarize themselves with the real facts concerning stretching, injury prevention and energy recovery. And there is no need to take anyone else's word about all of this. If you simply follow the basic common sense guidelines for a few months- stretch one muscle at a time and only hold stretch for 2-seconds— your body will provide all the evidence you need and unless you don't care about your performance levels and athletic longevity you'll make the changes to new injury prevention habits.
Understanding this fact is key to increasing your vertical!
Muscles can stretch, when they're healthy, up to 1.6 times their length, but they generally don't like to do that. If you stretch a muscle too quickly or too far, it automatically and ballistically recoils to protect it from ripping. This compensation is called a "myotatic reflex" and it kicks in at three seconds. This is the old ballistic type stretching. Remember the cadence-1-2-3 clap?
Imagine yourself the last time you tried to do the splits. Unless you are unusually flexible, it went something like this. You leapt out of the chair and stood straight up on the floor. You slid your right foot forward and your left foot backward until you felt a "tug" on the insides of your thighs. You either pulled up immediately or buckled your knees and dropped to the floor to get that pressure off your hips. You drew your knees up to relax the tension. You were experiencing the "myotatic reflex": a loud and clear message to you that you were going to rip in the next second and you needed to let go NOW.
The trick in progressing in flexibility is to stretch a muscle, but not allow it time to engage the "myotatic reflex." You work quickly and gently. The muscle you are stretching is totally relaxed because the muscle on top of it is doing all the work. The stretching muscle never has time to fire. Because it is stretched, held for two seconds, and released, it doesn't need to protect itself. The "myotatic reflex" is never engaged.
Work on accept and putting into practice this new idea of two second stretch for your pre and post workouts. I guarantee it will make a difference in your performance right away. If you are still stuck on doing a 30 second stretches consider this option. Do 12 to 15 two second stretch. This will be the same amount of time except the muscles will be warmer and more prepared for action. I wish you much success on your developing your training program.
To Your Vertical Success,
Coach Selby
You’re 21st Century Basketball Stretching Coach
because everyone (even Michael Jordon) needed a coach

P.S. Now, if you are really serious about growing your
game exponentially by improving your basic
flexibility, energy recovery and strength slam dunk your
way here for a visit.

Stretching program made to order!
Coach Selby is the nation's leading sports stretching, injury prevention and energy recovery coaching for amateur athletes. Recognized as the world's premier injury prevention-stretch expert, and energy recovery authority, Selby's injury prevention coaching and skills work for athletes everywhere. If you use sites like fitness on line, health and fitness tips, sport fit and others on line fitness sites. Coach Selby training advice can help athletes succeed like never before. He is a University of Miami graduate and former Division one basketball player. He has coached basketball fundamentals for The Five Star Camps and has worked with several elite athletes. Better than what just fitness centers could ever offer, Coach's Words, products and ideas turn athletes into quantum performing competitors while decreasing likeness of injuries and increasing energy weather you are a peewee, junior, high school or senior athlete.

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