To my loyal friends: I believe in total transparency, and unlike some others, as my trusting subscriber and/or customer I’ll always be up front with you about my business.
Within the Funk Roberts Fitness newsletters and blogs, I sometimes recommend products, and with those recommendations I sometimes also make a commission on referred sales. This commission helps to pay for things like website expenses and newsletter delivery, so I can continue to offer things like my free blog, newsletter, and regular insider tips to you at no cost.
Fact is, I get asked to promote something literally every day (for a commission), and the only products I will ever recommend are products that I 100% believe in and use myself. If I haven’t used it first hand, found it to be of exceptional quality, and believe it will undoubtedly help you achieve your goals faster, I don’t and won’t recommend it. Period!
Thanks so much for being my subscriber–having more than 15,000 people share my passion keeps me motivated to deliver the best information and videos I can on a daily basis.
Thanks for all your support